my 2023 picnics and events
On this page I will list all the picnics, bazaars, festivals, & fairs that I attended during the 2023 picnic season. Also some comments about the event, and my rating of the event.
Due to the issue with my left foot, I will most likely only be visiting limited picnics this season. Feel free to e mail your ratings of any picnics you attend and I will publish them
Berwick River Fest
Test Track Park
Berwick, PA
October 6, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
The Berwick Riverfest was great as expected. Since I can no longer handle walking the many miles at the Bloomsburg Fair so the Riverfest is my end of season event. They have a huge variety of food. It is a little expensive as expected. They give away free potato chips. They have plenty of craft vendors if you like that. The pig races were cute. They even raced the weiner dogs on two of the races. First time I ever seen that. I was lucky and got a parking place up close. They had two stages one had a singer with a karaoke machine. She was excellent. The other stage had a classic rock band equally enjoyable. The Riverfest was a very enjoyable way to spend a few hours on a Friday afternoon. The worst part of the whole experience was the huge traffic jam on 81S caused by construction. Took Rt11 home. Longer but faster. As long as I can still walk at the same level that I am now. I will be back next year.
The NEPA Fair
Circle Drive In Dickson City, PA
September 15, 2023
Rating 2 ** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
PT Barnum once said, "There is a sucker born every minute". Sadly I am that sucker. After a less than stellar experience at the NEPA fair last year. I said I would try it again. Since I do not ride rides it was a big waste of $10. They had vintage WW2 rides for the children. Safe but ancient. They had a dozen or so food trucks none that interested me. I tried ice cream at Jitty Joes. The chocolate was good. The vanilla was more ice than ice cream. There were several vendors none of which interested me. The smell of gasoline and diesel wafted through the air because all the food trucks and vendors had generators running. I ended up getting food at the concession stand. Good but expensive, not worth the price. The beer stand was moved to the front of the concession stand. It had about 5 customers. I figure there were only about 200 people at the fair. The handicap parking was close by. I would have only gave the fair a very generous one star rating. But the band Nowhere Slow were excellent. Playing all types of music with an enjoyable light and video show. Unfortunately it was too cold to wait for their second set. But I am sure it was good. I highly doubt I will be back next year. Because the first two years were somewhat pitiful.
Our Lady of the Abington's Fall Festival
By the Seminary in Dalton, PA
September 10, 2023
Rating 3 *** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
This is a small picnic in a beautiful country location in Dalton, PA. The food is good and reasonably priced. Not many picnics that still charge $1 for a soda. The chicken BBQ went up to $15. But it was delicious as always. They even had extra napkins this year. The band "The Quietmen" were not exciting but are perfect for a small picnic like this. They played Irish songs and classic top 40, and boy can they drink beer. This is a relaxing way to waste a few hours on a Sunday for this end of season event. I was lucky that I need handicapped parking because the main lot was water logged from the storms last night and they were parking everyone at the seminary. This picnic used to be much larger with top name bands, but small is ok too. I will be back next year.
Felittese Festival
Third Avenue Old Forge, PA
September 8, 2023
Rating 4 **** and 1/2 * of 5 *
This is a nice smaller picnic. Parking is tight. I usually park at Salerno's. The food is good but quite expensive. The band Picture Perfect were excellent as expected. They have plenty of seating to watch the band and some seating to eat. However some of the restaurants have private seating for their customers only. The "high light" of this year was they let "legendary" DJ Johnnie Superstar sing a song. They lost 1/2 * for forcing the crowd to listen to his painful version of Sweet Caroline. I will definitely be back next year.
LaFesta Italiana
Downtown Scranton
September 1, 2023
Rating 4 **** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
This was a very enjoyable event except for one thing. More on that later. The food was good but expensive as expected. The car show was good. The Four Seasons Tribute act Lights Out were excellent. Picture Perfect was excellent. I arrived near the end of their set. On the small stage Big King Moose did an enjoyable set of classic rock. The grounds were packed. People bringing their pet dogs even though they have no pets on the sign. Not many teenage love couples this year. Even the parking at ABM worked correctly. (Raise the American Flag) Charged $4.00. Now the bad Scranton "businessman" Bob Bolus had his asshole propaganda truck parked on Spruce St. Ruins the whole LaFesta experience. Time for another e mail to city council.
Pittston Tomato Festival
Downtown Pittston
August 20, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This event was great as expected. I had to park two blocks away as expected. This is not fun since I use a cane to walk. The food was good and somewhat expensive as expected. Not nearly as expensive as Carbondale. The band "The Music Room" was excellent. They played an enjoyable set of mostly classic rock. There were plenty of seats available mainly because they were in the hot sun. I was lucky and got some of the under cover seats. All in all it was a very enjoyable picnic as expected. I will be definitely be back next year but at night like I used to go. Because it won't be as hot and humid at night.
Blessed Sacrament
Rebecca Ave. Throop, PA
August 19, 2023
Rating 2** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
(This is being very generous)
Parking was great right on the church grounds. The food was ok, not great, not bad. They were already sold out of potato pancakes at 7pm. There were very few people at this picnic. They had a DJ which played decent tunes but the volume kept going up and down. They have a basket raffle and some food in the basement. There are no games or activities to keep your interest. By 8pm there were only a handful of people left. To make things worse they STILL use those extremely annoying food tickets. If you can only trust a few people to handle the money then don't have the picnic. I highly doubt I will be back next year.
Pioneer Nights
Downtown Carbondale
August 18, 2023
Rating 3 *** out of 5 *
(This is being very generous)
The good, the bad, and the greedy about the Pioneer Nights festival. First the good. The band Picture Perfect were excellent. The fireworks were good. The quality of the food was decent. I got lucky parked right across the bridge. Now the bad. Many items were sold out. The variety of food was limited. Now the GREEDY. The prices at this event were ridiculously high. One slice of pizza $4 GREED! (Other picnics $2 at most) Hot dog $3 GREED! (Other picnics $1 or $2 at most) Roast beef sandwich $10. No that is not a misprint $10. HUGE GREED!!! (Other picnics $5 to $6 for a much larger sandwich. Can of soda was $2 which is typical (Other picnics $1 to $ 2) But the soda here was as warm as piss. Right now I doubt I will be back next year. I realize the picnic is a benefit. But there is no reason to be greedy.
Sherwood Park Summer Festival
Sherwood Park Dunmore
August 17, 2023
Rating 3 *** and 1/2 out of 5 *
This is a small neighborhood picnic. It is not exciting. The food is good and reasonably priced. This year they forced you to park in the lot a block away. The street had cones. The DJ was entertaining but a band is better. You can walk around with your beer. I have never seen more people in my life with their head in one direction and their feet in another. They walk right in to you. It was mostly a local crowd which left early. I will probably be back again next year.
St. Jude's Parish
Route 309 Mountaintop, PA
August 13, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This is definitely one of the best of the season. The food is excellent and reasonably priced. They have a delicious chicken BBQ Dinner on Sunday. This year they even had a polka band. I am not a big fan of polka but they weren't bad. All the handicapped parking was gone but I found a decent spot in the lot. They have the picnic in a beautiful county setting. It is a very enjoyable way to spend a few hours. I will definitely be back next year. Great picnic.
Springbrook Township Fire Company
Route 690 Springbrook Twp.
August 12, 2023
Rating 4 **** out of 5 *
This is a decent picnic. Not a great picnic. The food is good and very reasonably priced. Parking is very tight. I was very lucky getting the last handicapped spot. The band Electric Rewind were loud. If they turned the volume down and had a sound man they wouldn't be all that bad. Their lead guitarist was having too much fun with his wireless pickup. They have a huge basket raffle. Probably the biggest of any picnic. I will be back again next year.
St. Rocco's Parish
Bunker Hill Section of Dunmore
August 11, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This is definitely one of the best of the season. The food is great. The bands are great. There is plenty of covered seating. All your friends will be there. Parking is very tight. I was lucky I got a spot right across the street after someone pulled out. They also have a shuttle bus from St. Anthony's parish. Maybe I will try that next year. They really know how to throw a picnic.
St. John The Evangelist
William St. Downtown Pittston
August 10, 2023
Rating 3 *** out of 5 *
This picnic gets smaller every year. There is parking right across the street. The food is good but they still use those very annoying food tickets. The band the Tax Men are a Beatles tribute act. I saw them before. They put on a nice show. This isn't a bad picnic it is just kind of boring. There is plenty of covered seating which came in handy since it started to pour rain. Next year I am not sure I will be be back unless it grows the way it used to be.
St. Mary's Slavic Festival
Downtown Scranton
August 6, 2023
Rating 3 *** out of 5 *
This picnic used to be much bigger over 3 days with a live polka band. Now it is just one day with a polka cd. The have ethnic food. The potato pancakes are excellent. It is not an exciting event but is a nice way to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon. There is plenty of close by parking.
Triton Hose Company
Route 6 Downtown Tunkhannock
August 4, 2023
Rating 5***** out of 5 *
This picnic is one of the best of the season. I pay the $3 to park at the donut shop. The food is good to great and reasonably priced. The pizza is excellent. I think I found a new favorite roast beef. The sandwich is huge and only cost $5. They had a different ride company again this year and the arrangement of the stands was a little different. The band Mace In Dickson played a listenable set of southern rock. It is a very enjoyable picnic and I will be back next year.
St. Joseph's Center Summer Festival
Marywood College
July 30, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This picnic is one of the best of the year. There is plenty of good food at a reasonable price. It supports a great cause. They have fun and games for all ages. They have seating but not nearly enough considering the large crowds. Parking on N Washington Ave. was more organized this year. The busses were running frequently. It is amazing how stupid some people can be. A women tried to squeeze a brat carriage on the narrow school bus banging into everyone. I got a bruise on my arm due to her stupidity. Other than that great picnic.
Clifford Hose Company
Route 106 Clifford, PA
July 28, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This is definitely one of the best of the season. The food is great and they have a huge variety. They have the very best roast beef of any picnic. The band was average but listenable. They had a DJ in the bar. The saw cutter was entertaining and made beautiful pieces. The fireworks were long and had many different colors. My only complaint was they did not have any parking attendants this year so most of the handicap spots were taken. On the bright side it only took one minute getting out of the parking lot after the fireworks. Usually takes about 15 minutes. I will be back again next year.
Germania Hose Company
Foote Ave. Duryea
July 23, 2023
Rating 2 ** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
This used to be one of the best picnics. Now it is fair at best. Yes they use those VERY ANNOYING food tickets. While other picnics are eliminating them. The food was decent and reasonably priced. Help at the food stand was limited. They were either tapping on their phone. Talking to their buddy, or nowhere to be found. Now a question. What is loud, is off-key, and thinks they are talented?
The band Handsome Devils. Luckily for me I had my gas mask in the car because they stunk. The picnic was smaller this year and the baskets were moved in a building. They had some smaller rides for the chidren. No more beer cage. You can walk around with your beer. The one good thing is they had more under cover seating this year. Yes I will be back next year. Maybe it will go back to the way it used to be when it was one of the best of the season.
Nativity of Our Lord
Stephenson St. Duryea, PA
July 15, 2023
Rating 4 **** and 1/2 * out of 5*
This is a decent picnic. You are able to park at the Duryea VFW and take the luxury mini bus to the grounds. The crowd wasn't as big this year. The food was good as expected. They moved the seating area, which was under a tent. I had to move my chair out into the open because of a women who had a love affair with her cigarettes, one right after another. The bathroom is in the church but in the basement. Quite a few stairs when you use a cane like me. The bus driver was courteous and friendly. The band. Wells River Band. Also played a mix of Southern Rock. It must have been Southern Rock weekend. I would have stayed longer but the rain and lightning started. I will be back next year.
Dalton Hose Company
Off Route 632 in Dalton, PA
July 14, 2023
Rating 4 **** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
The Dalton picnic was very good as expected. It was easy getting there until the last mile. After getting off Route 6 and 11. It took 40 minutes to get on the grounds. I was lucky to get the last handicap parking spot. The food was good. The Chinchilla pizza was excellent as expected although more expensive this year. The potato pancakes were excellent. They had a huge variety of food. They had a lot of seating but could use more. Plenty of older rides for the children. The band Mace In Dickson played a decent mix of Southern rock. It was an enjoyable picnic. There was a firemans parade but was so quiet you wouldn't event know it was happening. I will be back again.
St. Joseph Marello Parish
William St. Pittston, PA
July 13, 2023
Rating 3 *** and 1/2 * out of 5 *
This is a decent picnic. I was lucky and parked right in front of the church. The food was good.
However at the food stand either there was no one on the service line, In back playing with their phones. Or an over abundance of staff.
The meatball sub was excellent. There was plenty of seating. The bath room was air conditioned. The band. The Tax Men was a decent Beatles Tribute Act. They were good but two sets of only Beatles is too much for me. The flea market was huge. Why such a medium rating. ANNOYING FOOD TICKETS. I would have probably bought more food if you didn't have to keep going back for more tickets. Last year I ended up giving away some tickets.
Scrantastic Spectacular
Downtown Scranton
July 3, 2023
Rating 3 *** and 1/2 out of 5 *
Would have been higher but due to the typical incompetence of ABM Parking. They are lucky getting 3 and 1/2 *
Here is the good, the bad, and the downright stupid of this event. Got into town tried to get in the Linden St. garage like I usually use. Not allowing cars in. Finally got in through the Mulberry St. entrance. Walked over the the event. Nice! First the good. There were more vendors, the lines at the vendors were smaller. The crowd was smaller than other years. There was plenty of seating on the benches and the ledges through out Courthouse Square. The Philharmonic was excellent as expected. But I still thought it was better when they used to bring the whole orchestra. Not just the brass and percussion. The fireworks were good and loud. Much easier to see because this year they shot them from the Linden St. garage. Now the bad. People bringing their pet dogs to the festival. I love animals but this is no place for your dog. Also the teenagers blindly walking into people tapping on their phones. But this is everywhere. Now the downright stupid. Last year I got double charged from ABM parking. Had to jump through hoops to get a refund. The year before was overcharged by $1. I let that pass. This year after waiting 20 minutes in a non air conditioned lobby to pay at the one pay station. Came up $4. I thought cool, last year was $6. Then the wait to get out of the garage. Over 45 minutes. It is quicker getting out of a Railriders game. Then noticed everyone at the Mulberry St. gate getting out of their car and going into the second lobby. The system was charging everyone an additional dollar to raise the gate, to make matters worse the card reader on the pole was not working. Forcing you to go in the second lobby. I will be calling the incompetent idiots at ABM tomorrow. Time for the city to get a new parking company. It would have been a nice event if not for the ASSHOLES at ABM parking. I wonder if they will give me the same idiot excuse when I call them. "The computer couldn't handle all the people leaving at one time"
Divine Mercy Parish
Davis St. Scranton
June 24, 2023
Rating 4 **** out of 5 *
This was a decent picnic. The food was good and reasonably priced. Parking was very tight. Consider yourself lucky if you could park within a few blocks. The band was poor to fair. They ran out of potato pancakes and clams early in the night. There was plenty of seating, but should have more in the area of the band. The Jitty Joes ice cream truck was very under staffed. Two teenage girls for a line that sometime exceeded 40 people. I am glad to see this picnic come back after off a few years. It was a decent way to spend a few hours on a Saturday night. I will be back again next year.
Elmhurst Roaring Brook Fire Company
Off Route 435 in Elmhurst
June 22, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This is one of the best of the season as expected. The food is great. The band was good. The fire fighter parade was long and loud which is a good thing for a fire fighter parade. They even had a bag pipe band. I only heard the annoying siren at the hot wings stand a few times. The potato pancakes and roast beef were excellent. There was plenty of seating. I saw many of my friends from Scranton here. The handicap parking was close to the grounds. I will definitely be back next year.
Mary Mother of God Parish
West Market St. North Scranton
June 16 & June 17, 2023
Rating 5 ***** out of 5 *
This picnic is definitely one of the best of the season. The food is great and reasonably priced. The entertainment is great. On Friday Picture Perfect did an amazing show. On Saturday the Luongo Brothers did a good oldies show. They are good but the original Poets were better. Parking can be a little tight but it is worth the little walk. They had a huge basket raffle. Dining around stand, a silent auction, and a raffle for cash. They had games for both children and adults. This is definitely one of the best of the year. Not because it is my parish, because it truly is excellent and I attend many picnics every summer.